Investment Team
Years in the industry: 25
Previously at: HSBC Private Bank Switzerland, SEB Private Bank Switzerland, Catella
Education: Master of Science at Royal Institute of Technology
Years in the industry: 12
Previously at: United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Education: Master of Science at Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm University
Years in the industry: 16
Previously at: JP Morgan, Doughty Hanson Private Equity
Education: Master of Science at Stockholm School of Economics
Years in the industry: 7
Previously at: Citigroup Investment Banking, Strukturinvest Fondkommission, Wingefors Invest
Education: Bachelor of Science at Stockholm School of Economics
Years in the industry: 7
Previously at: Citi, ABG Sundal Collier, CapMan
Education: MSc Finance at Stockholm School of Economics, MSc Finance Bocconi University
Administration & Other Services
Years in the industry: 17
Previously at: PwC
Years in the industry: 33
Previously at: Fjärde AP-fonden (Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund), Öhman Kapitalförvaltning, ABB Investment Management, KP Pension & Försäkring
Years in the industry: 6
Previously at: Nekton Capital, BMO Capital Markets
Education: MSc Finance at Regent’s University London
Years in the industry: 15
Previously at: Permian Administration, FCG Fonder, MFEX Mutual Funds Exchange
Years in the industry: 23
Previously at: TV4 AB, IPG Mediabrands AB, Renee Voltaire AB, Oscar Properties AB
Years in the industry: 13
Previously at: Lage Jonason AB, Informed Portfolio Management AB
Board of Directors
Years in the industry: 50
Previously at: Setterwalls, Nasdaq OMX, SEB, The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Swedish Bankers´ Association, The Swedish Ministry of Finance, Parliamentary Ombudsmen, Sollentuna District Court, Svea Court of Appeal
Education: Master of Law at Uppsala University
Years in the industry: 41
Previously at: HSBC Private Bank Switzerland, SEB Private Bank Switzerland, Banque Edouard Constant Switzerland
Education: Master of Law at Uppsala University
Years in the industry: 34
Currently at: Melander Sundbom Advokatfirma
Previously at: Partner at Lagerlöf & Leman, Partner at Hammarskiöld & Co, Helsingborg Court of First Instance
Education: Master of Law at Lund University